Updates & Community Messages

The Lockdown Dilemma

Common sense appears to be dictating that we apply the principles of science and technology, COVIDEX being a case in point.  We are fighting a war against nature in its evolutionary manifestations. Although there is a call for lifting the lockdown, there is a need to invoke the Roman dictum...


Guidelines on Institutional Quarantine for Covid-19

What is Institutional quarantine? This is a transparent restriction of persons’ activities when they are not ill with COVID-19 for the purpose of protecting unexposed members of the communities from contracting the disease should any person at risk become sick. This is particularly important for persons who may have been in contact with a...


Launch of Covid-19 Vaccination at Kabale Regional Referral Hospital

Vaccination of the public against COVID-19 in Kabale District was launched on 16th March 2021 at Kabale Regional Referral Hospital (KRRH), starting with health workers of the hospital and academic medical staff of Kabale University. World over, the vaccination process has been threatened by negative rumours against the vaccines regarding...

https://dinamikahukum.fh.unsoed.ac.id/ https://eurogeojournal.eu/ https://codesria.org/ https://imta.kemdikbud.go.id/wor/ https://lingkungan.ft.unand.ac.id/gacor/