Frequently Asked Questions

Stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, especially when distancing cannot be maintained, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds and close contact, regularly cleaning your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue. Check local advice where you live and work. Do it all!
The time from exposure to COVID-19 to the moment when symptoms begin is, on average, 5-6 days and can range from 1-14 days. This is why people who have been exposed to the virus are advised to remain at home and stay away from others, for 14 days, in order to prevent the spread of the virus, especially where testing is not easily available.
There is no evidence to date of viruses that cause respiratory illnesses being transmitted via food or food packaging. Coronaviruses cannot multiply in food; they need an animal or human host to multiply. The COVID-19 virus is generally thought to be spread from person to person through respiratory droplets. Currently, there is no evidence to support transmission of the COVID-19 virus associated with food. Before preparing or eating food it is important to always wash your hands with soap and water for at least 40-60 seconds. Regular food safety and handling guidance should be followed.
For people with chronic conditions such as such as asthma, diabetes, TB and HIV the most important thing is to continue your medication as prescribed, attend recommended check-ups and seek medical help if you have new symptoms. Check with your health authorities and health provider if your regular check-ups should be done differently during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some services, such as counselling, may be available remotely. For treatment of clinically stable adolescents with HIV and adolescents with TB and/or other chronic conditions, your health provider should consider multi-month prescriptions and dispensing which will reduce the frequency of your visits to the clinic and ensure continuity of treatment, if movements are disrupted during the pandemic.  Seek advice from your health authorities and health care provider on how to be protected from COVID-19 and continue your treatment as prescribed.
Yes. You can play sports that are in line with the physical distancing measures and movement restrictions that are in place in your country. If you are able to go for a bicycle ride, or if you go to a park or public open space to walk, run or exercise always practice physical distancing and wash your hands with water and soap before you leave, when you get to where you are going, and as soon as you get home.  If water and soap are not immediately available, use alcohol-based hand rub. Being physically active is good for your health, both physical and mental. Set up a regular routine to practice activities or sports that do not require close contact with others every day for 1 hour. You can do individual sports, like jogging, walking, dancing or yoga. There are many options to try. You can set up playground games indoors, such as jump rope and hop-scotch, play with your brothers and sisters, and practice some strength training activities, using improvised weights like bottles full of water or sand. If you have access to the internet, you can also join in online active games or fitness classes, or set up your own online physical exercises with your friends or classmates. Find an activity that is fun, can be done within the restrictions that are in place in your country, and makes you feel good. Do not exercise if you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing. Stay home and rest, seek medical attention and follow the directions of your local health authority.